Dear Family,
Thanks for the letter mom. Its great to hear that you guys find it easy to entertain yourselves haha. Thanks for the update on the family. I hope grandpa Daley can make it out till I get home. Keep me up to date with the ward also. Has there been any baptisms in the ward? New families?
So we talked to President May this week and we had changed in the mission today but Elder Bravo and I are staying here for another 6 weeks. President May leaves on June 28th and President Essig arrives the same day. Also he told us that their going to send a missionary couple to the island in the first week of July. We're pretty excited because we're going to be able to do a lot more here on the island with 4 missionaries. The next transfers are July 18th and I don't know if the both of us are going to leave the island or only one of us. We'll see. But I really love the experience I've had here and would be great to stay longer. He also told us that since the internet is really slow here and we can only use one hour a day that on Monday we're allowed to use one hour and Tuesday morning we can also use internet for another hour. So if you have any questions it will be a lot easier to answer them since we can use email on tuesday now.
Well this week was fantastic. We had some great experiences and lessons. We had a FHE with a family where everyone is a member except the dad. It was a spiritual lesson where we taught and testified about how eternal families and he said that the most important thing to him is his family. Then yesterday at church, we got there a little early and it was raining pretty hard and we were praying that everyone would still come. Then Jorge Cuadra (the dad from that family) came and said, "Yep, miracles do exist." It was great! He liked church a lot and we're going to be teaching him more this week. Hopefully he can make the decision soon to get baptized. We have a lot of potential now also... there are a lot of people that have been showing more interest lately because of a lot of prayer and fasting. We are still doing Scouts with all the youth here and more and more are coming. We had a priesthood activity here on Saturday and we all got together and had a barbeque type thing.
I'm doing good. I'm still learning everyday. The gospel is constant process of remembering principles and then adding onto it. I know its important to repeat lessons to carve the lesson even deeper into our heart and mind through the Spirit.
Well I hope that you guys have a great week! Enjoy the hot, dry weather. Here its raining like nuts. Good thing with have boots. I love you guys a lot. Take care! Les amo y cuídense. Chao,
Elder Webb
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