Monday, December 27, 2010

Dearest Family,

Hey, I'm glad that I could talk to you guys on Saturday. It was good to hear from you guys. Yeah I heard that a lot of missions could use skype but our mission prez said that we couldnt. Maybe for mothers day, we'll see. But it was good anyways. It seems as if everyone had a good Christmas. I did enjoy my last one here in the mission field. They really are special. We went out to work on Christmas Day and even though no one was home and a lot of plans failed, we could feel the Spirit knowing that we are away from home sacrificing time to be able to help these people.

This week went a little bit like that. We had rough times because nobody was home and we couldn't teach our investigators because they were busy with family. But we did have some good lessons yesterday. Yesterday we had a lesson with Meriam, who is the wife of a member. She's been feeling a little bit discouraged because her dad was giving her a lot of trouble for listening to the missionaries. Her dad is a die hard catholic. We taught her last night according to how she was feeling and she said, "Man, how come I always feel so good when you guys are here. I always feel pumped to keep going." We talked to her about the Spirit and she is now excited to come to church and get baptized in January. We've had some miracles happen with her because she is a heavy smoker. She told us she wants to quit but its been hard. Then in her work, they're putting in effect a new rule so that no one can smoke during their work or breaks. So she basically has to stop smoking. We're excited for her!

Man really I'm just real happy to be here on the mission right now. I'm realizing how much I've changed and grown. Now I'm reflecting on 2010 and I realize that its been the best year of my life so far. I've learned more of how much I depend on my Savior Jesus Christ. He is our support, our redeemer, our all. I love this gospel and I'm excited for another almost full year of preaching the gospel to the people here in Chile. I also promise that you guys will have some neat missionary opportunities this year. ¡Que las reconozcan! =)

Oh so this year like last year we were able to go have dinner Christmas Eve until 12:00 because thats how Chileans celebrate christmas. They have a huge dinner late at night then all the kids leave the house while Santa comes and brings them gifts. It kind of makes me think of how the people that loves us most and gives us most go unrecognized a lot of times when really they are our own parents. So thanks for everything! But I got to make the salad thats in that picture for the dinner. They had received a package of craisins from another sister missionary that served there, because craisins don't exist in Chile and man that was good. It makes me miss your famous salads mother haha. But the food was amazing. Our stake president here is fantastic.

Well I hope you guys have a great new year! Buy a lot of fireworks!!! Ojalá que puedan fijar metas por el año que sigue para que progresen más. Saludos a todos. Con amor, Chao,

Elder Webb

The pictures are a little bit of everything. I'll send you guys some more from the mission activity next week.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Dearest Family,

¡Feliz Navidad! Man its already Christmas. That's nuts. It seems like yesterday that I was having my first Christmas in the mission field. But its alright, all the time in between has been well spent. That reminds me, I have a little update about the calls on Christmas. So it turns out that the Americans arent allowed to call their family. President says that our families need to call us. They said if it doesn't work then we can use our calling card as a backup plan. So I'll give you guys the number of the house we'll be out. Its a landline so it should be a lot cheaper. Just find something cheap to use because I only have 40 mins to talk and thats it. I'm not exactly sure about the country code and everything but I believe the number is like this, the country code is in parenthesis. (056) 027736730. Try calling me at 3:00pm Chilean time or 11:00 in AZ. If it doesnt work then I'll call you guys but make the attempt.

Well so we didn´t get transfered here. I'm still with Elder Clanton living with the zone leaders Elder Petersen and Elder Francia. Its been awesome here with the zone leaders. We've been learning a lot and we do a lot of fun stuff with our ward Lo Prado. This week was pretty good. Rodrigo has kinda flaked a tad but we still feel like he should progress. A young teenager called Ian came to church with us and liked it a lot. He's planning on getting baptized here in the beginning of January. He's the best man, because he has a ton of friends and is really popular and so he keeps inviting all his friends to listen in the lessons and come to church. We have plans to play soccer with him and his friends and the missionaries of the zone this week. As a zone we always play soccer once a week and I've gotten surprisingly better. We also got some referals from members that look really promising. One is called Eduardo and is really old, like 85 or something like that but he just about got baptized about 2 years ago and says that nows his time. We're pretty excited for him. The real challenge we've had here is getting people to come to church but now we're having more success with that and so we expect to see more progress in our investigators. We've had some real neat lessons recently teaching people not lessons... meaning, focusing on their needs and teaching what best will help them. I can feel the spirit working a lot more through me as we teach focusing on our investigators as children of our Heavenly Father who they are. I've learned to love a lot more the Chilean people. Everyone is so different but they all have the same need, come to know and feel the love of Jesus Christ in their lives. I've been grateful to be here on the mish learning more and more about my Savior, especially now during Christmas time.

Well I still haven't gotten that package but I bet I'll get it this wednesday in Zone class. I hope you guys get your stuff before christmas! We've been toastin down here in the South American summer. Its weird decorating a christmas tree with snowflakes and stuff when you're sweating off your head in your house. There is absolutley NO airconditioning here. The only places are in the church and supermarkets. We just have fans but it works pretty good. It cools off really fast at night and its actually a bit chilly in the morning.

The temple was AWESOME this week. Wow its so beautiful inside. They have something called Lapiz Lazuli, its a rare blue stone that only exists in Chile. I sent you a bit mother so I'm sure you'll like it. Wish everyone a Merry Christmas from Elder Webb. I love you guys!! I'll be talkin to you on Saturday. Chao,

Elder Webb

Que siempre sean las luces para todos los que les rodean y puedan alzar la luz del nacimiento de Cristo a todos sus vecinos.

PS.. no mother the roof isn't actually that low, it kinda looks like it in the foto. But yes our place is really small haha

Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dearest Family,

Thanks for the letter Dad. Its good to hear a little bit about how things are at home. I'm glad that you guys are surviving there. The ASU institute is bacan (chilean for awesome or cool). I'm pretty excited to go there. Sounds like the family is doing good.

This week was actually a really good week. We found 7 new investigators that all have a date for their baptism. We talked with Rodrigo and he is an awesome investigator! He wants to get baptized January 2nd. We also have a lot of other posibilities and we just need to help them get to church. We had a really good contact with someone called Elizabeth in the street. We were finishing off the night going towards the house and we stopped to talk to somebody who looked like she was in a hurry with her kid to get home. We started talking and she seemed mildly interested and so we talked to see when we could visit her. She said that Sunday afternoons are a little tough because she always goes to the cemetary to visit her son that died. She was young too, probably like 32. We started talking about her son and how she can be with him again. She started getting emocional and was crying a lot. We promised her the blessings that come with the plan of Salvation. She said thats the only thing she wants, to see her son again. It was pretty cool how the Spirit led us through to find what she needed most. She told us to come by on Wednesday so this Wednesday we're excited to talk with her. We progressing a lot in Lo Prado. We still need to be able to work with the members more which has been tough but we're helping them out a lot. My comp has come a long way. He's getting more confidence with the language and during the lessons likes to share more. Its been a great transfer to the progress of my comp and my own personal progress. If I've learned anything is that I always have more to learn and I'm starting to measure my personal progress compared to my eternal goal. Its really easy, just compare your life with the life of Jesus Christ. I know that He lives and changes us everyday as we are put in the refiners fire.

Well this week is the last week of this transfer. We have changes of the 20th but I doubt we'll have changes here. The rules with the phone call are the same. I can only talk for 40 mins and I'll be calling you guys. I bought a phone card for 1000 pesos or about 2 bucks which gives me 50 mins so that should work like last time. I'm not exactly sure when I'll call you guys but I think it'll be in the morning on Saturday Christmas day. Probably about noon or 1 Chilean time... or about 8 or 9 down there. I'll update you guys next week. But I do need something. I need the phone number of the house. You know, the magic jack number so I can talk to all you guys. I forgot your phone numbers so if you could send them again that would be great!

Well I love you guys and I hope that you enjoy this last week before christmas. Don't be lazy and put up the christmas lights! Les amo mucho y espero que tengan una buena semana pensando en lo más importante, Jesucristo =). Chao,

Elder Webb

Enjoy the pics!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Querido Familia,

Hey guys hows it going?! Thanks for the letter mother dearest. It always brightens my day to hear from you guys. So today I sent off a package to you guys. It has some nice stuff for everyone and I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what belongs to whom. I managed to smuggle some treats in there because last time they didn't let me send some but I got some hidden in there. Enjoy! You guys can't open it until Christmas if you happen to get it before.

Well so the only question I got this week is are there roaches in our house? No mom don't worry. I actually havent seen a roach here in Chile. Theres really not a bug problem. But there is a dog and cat problem. Luckily we haven't had anymore cat brake-ins, we've outsmarted them for once haha.

Well we're still working here. We actually had a pretty good week. We found a family of 4 that could easily start progressing. And we started teaching the rest of a part member family and they committed to being baptized already. They are amazing. We had a great lesson yesterday. Its been different this transfer because my comp has been able to talk very well but now I've been giving him a lot more time to teach and he's doing well. He's a great Elder. A bit lazy by nature I think because he's from the deep south but ya know, the mission will change that. We're having a lot of cool experiences. For example, the other day we ran out plans because our plan A, B, C, and D failed and so we contemplated for a minute trying to see if something comes to our mind by the Spirit. We decided to go visit a random future intestigator, some contact we had done like a week ago. We went over to her house and knocked and waited for about 2 mins. She never came out but as we were waiting, some guy comes walking by on his way to work. He stopped and said if he could ask a question. He asked us how he could come to our church. So we said well, you just need to walk. Then he told us to come by and visit him because he's really interested. We have a lesson with him tonight and so pray that that goes well. His name is Rodrigo.

Well I'm learning heaps and heaps everyday. Thanks for the opportunity to serve here in Chile. I know its been a sacrifice for the family but I can see all the blessings here and I'm sure you guys can too. I love my Savior Jesus Christ and for the perfect example he gave us. Que podamos recordar su vida en este tiempo tan importante. Jesucristo dio todo para que PODAMOS ganar todo. Fíjense en ese ejemplo. Les AMO. I love you guys! Chao,

Elder Webb

ps fotos. The National flag of Chile. The US gave this as a present to Chile for their Bicentennial this year. It weighs over 400 pounds

Other random views from the top of Cerro Santa Lucia.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Querido familia,

¿Cómo están todos? I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving. Down here it was just like any other day but we had a missionary turkey bowl in the morning. We played some american football and that was way fun. I should get some pictures from that before next week I think. Yeah so our apartment is pretty ghetto. Its an adventure everyday but it is pretty difficult to try and get everything done on time since there are 4 of us. But we manage. This week was a little nuts. We dropped a couple of investigators because they werent progressing at all but we´ve found some really good ones that are showing some promise. We're going to able to baptize some here in December. We had a pretty cool experience. Yesterday we went to go visit a reference that was supposedly really good. We got to her house(or we thought it was her house) and knocked the door. It was actually her neighbor. We couldn´t go in and teach her because she was alone but she seems like a golden investigator and we're gonna start teaching her this week. We also found some more and theres one called Paola that said shes going to read half the book and take notes before this wednesday and was showing some sincere interest. We've got our hopes up and we're being optimistic. This is the Lord's work he He works miracles. If He wants someone to get baptized for their salvation and the salvation of more of His children in the future, its gonna happen. The Lord wants us to baptize and we will never lose that vision. I'm learning about the power to change and how we as missionaries have the biggest responsibilty in change, first in ourselves and we have the responsibility to help others change. But we cant help any one convert if we ourselves are not truly converted. The power of testimony comes from personal conviction and its the only thing that can help others truly change.

"Alma 4:19 And this he did that he ahimself might go forth among his people, or among the people of Nephi, that he might bpreach the cword of God unto them, to dstir them up in eremembrance of their duty, and that he might pull down, by the word of God, all the pride and craftiness and all the contentions which were among his people, seeing no way that he might reclaim them save it were in bearing down in pure ftestimony against them."

I really like this scripture and has helped me change how I talk to people. The only way we can bear pure testimony is if we are truly converted to living that principle. I love this gospel and I know its true. I'm thankful for the opportunity to come to know my Savior Jesus Christ. "No logramos humildad al pensar menos de nosotros mismos; logramos humildad al pensar menos en nosotros mismos." Que estén bien. Les amo, chao

Elder Webb

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday November 22, 2010

Dearest family,

Thanks for the letter mother dearest. First of all, for the package, there are some other things that you could send. If you guys can find a mini dog whistle or something similar that would be amazing. I would just love something to shut up the annoying dogs that bark like nuts while we're contacting people. Also maybe one short sleeve white shirt size 15. But thats it. I have like 100 ties so please dont send me more haha. And maybe you can send a butterfinger or something because there arent any down here. But thats it. Oh and if you can, send me some more pictures of the family back home, the grandkids and interesting stuff. I think next week I'm going to take out some money so I can send you guys a christmas package. I think it might get there a little late because I'm waiting for this one guy to finish something I ordered but you guys will get something dont worry and hopefully they'll let me send some food.

Well this week has been an interesting experience. We're also dedicating most of our time trying to find people to teach like Elder Weaver. Good news is that Lady was confirmed and that was a great experience. She is really happy in the church so we're grateful to be part of that. Oh speaking of being grateful, I just realized that this week is Thanksgiving. This will be me one and only Thanksgiving out of the States and you're right, nobody celebrates Thanksgiving down here. But I think we'll make something to celebrate. I will miss your lovely cooking mom haha. But yes we do eat turkey down here. Actually turkeydogs are a lot more common here than back at home. But anyways the work is getting a boost here. We're starting off working with the members and serving them and doing an activity called La Viña del Señor (the Lord's Vineyard). Its going to give a lot of results. We actually did that in Lo Campino and thats how we found that family of 4. So it should be giving us a lot of results soon. Its been a great experience training. My comp actually struggles a bit with Spanish but he's improving a lot. We when we talk with the people in the street he usually just smiles and looks over at me. Haha reminds me of myself in the beginning of the mission. But he's learning real fast. The ward is great. We actually had 125 people attend church this week which is good for our ward and we've helped reactivate a couple of families and hopefully that can stay active. We've had some trials trying to find people but its alright. I'm actually thinking how grateful I am for every experience. Prez May told us one of the attributes of a successful missionary is that they see trials as opportunities. But I want to tell you guys how much I'm thankful for my mission. As of right now it has meant everything to me and continues change me everyday. Thanks for all your sacrifices and I too realize how much the Lord blesses us for these sacrifices. I love my Savior and know that He lives.

Well take care, I love you guys heaps. Les amo un montón y espero que tengan una semana llena de gratitud y que coman mucha mucha comida. Chao,

Elder Webb

ps. Oh funny story. So last night I woke up in the middle of the night because a stupid cat had gotten into our house and so I go out into the other room where the window is and started yelling to make sure it was gone. I didn't hear anything so I shut the window but after I had shut it, the cat came scampering out from under the table and jumped into the window. Then it started running all over the house and I opened the door but it wouldn't go out so we all got pillows and started beating it out haha. That was the funniest thing all week. Elder Petersen was dreaming about a lion and thought there was a lion in the house. Oh so enjoy the pictures of the house. Yes our bathroom is lame, we have to hunch over cuz the cieling is sloped and yes we do study in the kitchen because there are 4 of us and no room haha. Chao

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dearest Family,

Things have been pretty crazy this week. Missionaries were here the last transfer they just had the whole ward. Now there are 4 missionaries in our ward. We actually had a baptism yesterday. Theres an investigator called Leydi that had been taught the lessons and was just waiting to get married to her boyfriend because they were living together. They got married last friday and a little over a week later they got baptized. It was amazing. Her husband got to baptize her and we got to be part of the final part of her conversion process. So my comp had a baptism his first week in Chile. Thats pretty sweet. My new comp is Elder Clanton from Thomasville, Georgia. Haha yep he has a thick southern accent. He's doing really good and speaks good spanish for a greenie. We've been working pretty hard this week trying to find people to teach but the idea is first get to know the members. But after this week we had some success and we have some people we're teaching now that have a baptism date so we're pretty grateful for the blessings the Lord keeps on pouring out on us. From what I've heard everything is fine with Eduardo. That was a miracle that he got baptized and now their whole family are members and they're working on getting to the temple.

Well our address is 1010 Las Encinas, Lo Prado, Santiago, Chile. I don't know if that'll show up on google earth but try it out. I forgot to take pictures of the house but I'll send you some next week. Its pretty small and we're living with the zone leaders so its pretty cramped but we have better experiences with 4. Its like a little room built on top of a bottle warehouse place. We have to walk through some dark black tunnel that we call The Bat Cave just to get there. Its a great experience.

Oh a little more on my comp, he's 19 and lives in a family of 5. He's the first one in his family to serve a mission so he's setting a good example for the rest. He likes football of course cuz he went to the University of Georgia. Everytime we see drunk people in the street he says he feels like he's on college again haha.

Well anyways thanks for the letters and support. We're fine down here. I'm lovin the mission and every experience that I have because I know it'll be over before I know it. Que siempre procuren a tener las cosas más importantes de esta vida :). ¡Les amo! Cuídense, chao,

Elder Webb

PS. Pictures are from the 2 baptisms... my old zone in Quilicura... cutting lawns with scissors(yep thats how its done in south america haha)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dear Family,

Thanks a lot for the letter mom. Well first off, I got transferred and now I'm writing you from my new sector in San Pablo. I'm in the southern part of our mission but still in the heart of Santiago. My sector is called Lo Prado 2. The direction I don't have but I'm near the intersection of the streets (San Pablo with Las Torres) if you wanna look for them. I still don't know who my companion is because I'm gonna be training a newbie. We have to go pick them up in a couple of hours at the mission home so I'll tell you guys next week what my direction is and who my comp is. Oh and I do have some fotos to send you but my camera is in my suitcase in the house because we didn't have time to unpack. But I'll send you pictures next week of my sector and of Eduardo's baptism. Yep yesterday Eduardo got baptized. It was a miracle because this teenager has changed a lot. It was a really amazing experience and a good memory I'll always have. This week was actually really awesome. We had some great experiences and now they should be getting ready to baptize a family of 3 in November.

Well I'm actually opening this new sector and so it should be quite the experience and yes I'm still District Leader. I know that the Lord will guide me in this work and I will need a lot of guidance in order to do everything that the Lord expects of me. I'm really grateful for my mission and all of the experiences I've had. Everyone keeps reminding me that I only have 11 months left... but I'm excited to work for whatever time I have left.

Some things I've learned lately is that we need to be more grateful. I was reading Moroni 10:3 and learned that before we want to learn something by the Spirit we need to remember how merciful God has been. That kind of impacted me and I've realized that if we make a conscious effort to be grateful... in prayers, talking with others, whatever... we always feel the Spirit stronger and learn more spiritual truths that impact us more. So thanks a lot for your sacrifice to help me be here in Chile serving the Lord. I love you guys a lot and will always be grateful for this experience.

Anyways I hope you guys can survive without your precious. (OK, The Precious is our beloved TV) I'm sure Clayton can afford a nice new plasma so we can finally have HD haha. Well I'll have a lot more info next week. Les amo mucho y cuídense. Chao,

Elder Webb

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Dearest family, Hey thanks for the letter Dad. This week still was a little bittough. A lot of investigators have kinda flaked out a bit and we cannever seem to find them when their home. But we've been workingreally hard. We couldn't pass out those Books of mormon because HnaRetamal had a family emergency but we're going to do that tonightafter PDay. That'll be an awesome experience. Also we're workingwell with her and she is giving us tons of references. I'll tell youan interesting story we had last week. Well we started teaching aPeruvian family thats in our area a couple of weeks ago. They startedliking the lessons so much that they said they no longer want to go tothe Catholic church and wanted to come to ours. So we we'reprogressing really well, at least with Yasmina and her neice Cielo.But Yasmina's mom, Marly, didn't listen that much. One day we wentover and started teaching but they had a neighbor over that is acatholic and started saying stuff to marly that was good at all, liesabout the missionaries and other antimormon stuff like that. Anywayslong story short, Marly won't let us come back to her house butYasmina wants to come to our church and even says she wants to getbaptized and Cielo also, but we've had trouble teaching them.Basically little things like this have been preventing ourinvestigators progress. But we're praying a lot and this last weekbefore changes looks really promising and I think we're going to cleara bunch of hurdles. Actually this Sunday looks like Eduardo is gonnaget baptized. He has stopped smoking for 4 days now and is prettyexcited. He's come a long way and we're proud of him. He will be thelast one in his family to baptized and the family is now working ongetting to the temple to get sealed. They've come such a long way.And just to remind you guys, this was the family we found on the 3rdfloor the the Spirit led us to. Its been an amazing experience here.I would love to stick around because in November it looks like thereare 2 families that'll be getting baptized that we've found. Nextweek is transfers so I think I'll probably be writing you from adifferent area next week but we'll see what happens. I really havebeen so grateful to serve in this amazing ward and see the lives of somany change. We've been focusing on doing little acts of charity sothat the people can feel our charity like it says in 1 Cor 13:1-2. Iknow the Lord wanted me here and He will send me where I should be. Well anyways thanks for the letter and keeping me up to date on thefamily. I'll let you know if I need anything for Christmas. Rightnow I can't think of anything, for right now I think I just need 2bottles of contact solution. That'll last me the rest of my mission.You sent me a ton of little ones but they run out kinda fast. Eachone lasts me like 4 weeks and thats because I'm kinda stretching itout. But I'll let you guys know. I cant believe its almostChristmas. Its getting pretty warm down here which is nice. I lovethe heat a lot more than the cold. Oh and Dad I think you tried tosay take care in Spanish right? You would actually put "cuídate." itsthe familiar form for cuidarse. Anyways, love you guys a lot. Quesean lo mejor que puedan y recuerden que la prueba siempre es unaoportunidad =). Cuídense, les amo, Elder Webb

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 25, 2010

Hey family,

How're things going? Sounds like everything is going good up there. Its starting to get a little bit warmer down here but still the summer here is nothing like the summer of AZ. We're getting plenty of sun and the lovely missionary farmer tan has gotten pretty bad haha. Wow I can't believe they finally released Brother Shepherd. Thats nuts but Bro Stahle will do a great job. He's a great guy and a good leader. I'll stick in a little part for brother Shep in the end.

Well the Lord's work down here is still going forward. We had a pretty good week. We're teaching many people and had like 15 people committed to come to church. None of those 15 came but there was a family of four that came with a member family and they stayed for the whole three hours and really liked it. Wow that was a blessing. We're going to start teaching them this week and looks like we'll be able to have another strong family in the ward. We're still working a lot with the members here. We have a member whose name is Hermana Retamal. She works in a little health center in our neighborhood and she knows like all the people here. She ALWAYS gives us references. We've been visiting so many people with her. We are going to go and pass out 8 books of Mormon tonight with her son to her son's friends and their families. So we're pretty pumped. I love missionary work. Trying new things is the key. If we don't try new things and just get stuck in the routine then its going to be boring. We're having a good time and working hard. Even though we've had some dificulties, we're still working hard. Eduardo also has a new date for his baptism on the 7th of November and he's excited for this one. That will probably be my last day in this sector due to the fact that its the day of transfers and I've been here for 4 transfers already. But this ward will baptize a lot of people and is being prepared to have a lot of success. We're teaching almost 4 differenct families and all are receptive and willing to keep learning. The Lord works miracles based on our faith and obedience. I've learned a lot this week about the reality and power of repentance to change lives. As a missionary, one lives a higher plane of obedience and its to realize the little mistakes we make in our lives and be able to change. I really can tell I've changed a lot here. I'm so grateful for my mission. It has taught me so much. Especially to love my Savior. This last year I'm going to focus on what Clayton said and come to know my Savior better.

Well thanks for all your support. I'm glad you're all happy and healthy. Send me some more pictures if you can. Les amo caletas jaja, sepan que estoy bien y que siempre el Señor les tiene en sus manos. Chao,

Elder Webbcito

To Brother Shepherd:
Brother Shepherd you were my YM president I think the whole time I was in Young Mens. You made one of the biggest impacts on my life as a teenager in the church and you're a big reason why I'm on a mission now. If I can remember one thing about you is that you would always blubber up when we started bearing our testimony or when you would. It left a big impact on me because I always felt the Spirit stronger when I was with you. All the activities that we did with you really kept me on the straight and narrow and away from the dangerous things that Satan throws at us. I love you a lot and miss being in YMs with you. Remember all the good times we had in priests quorum. Good luck with your next calling! (Maybe bishop haha)

-Elder Webb

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Well things are still going good here in Chile. We had some struggles this week. Macarena felt this spirit really strong and we had a lesson in which the spirit was there really strong. We talked about Joseph Smith and the first vision and I felt the spirit more this time than any other time in my mission. But when it all came down to it, she hasn't been praying and reading the scriptures daily so she wasn't ready for her baptism. I know that she is going to be baptized its just up to her when she's going to do it. But I know that the mission is meant for us just as much as its meant for the people we teach. I think that everyday my testimony is increased by about 50%. Its like adding more and more layers on a thick metal wall. Thats how are testimonies are formed and pretty soon they are unbreakable. But don't let the rust of sin wear down our thick metal testimony. We had a tough day yesterday because we had like 8 people firmly committed to church and there were members that went by to bring them to church and everything but so many things happened to keep them from coming to church and not one investigator showed up. It was pretty tough sitting there in sacrament meeting knowing that not one investigator came to church after working and teaching so much this week. But as I've said, through trials our faith is increased and it now gives me more desire to work and change that. Through faith miracles are worked and they never cease.

Well this week was pretty cool hearing about the rescue of the miners. I bet you guys got to see it but it definitely has the whole country united down here. Our mission president wrote us about it and gave us a little analogy. I'll write it here for you guys.
"Dear Sisters and Elders,

Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God (D&C 18:10)

What great news this past week that all thirty three trapped miners were rescued from some 2,300 meters below the surface. There are many lessons that can be applied from this rescue effort. I would like to share one that stands out to me.

When the mine collapsed, the status of the thirty three miners was unknown. The first step in rescuing them was to find out where they were and whether they had survived or not. With use of maps, rescue worker had a general idea of where they could be. They began boring exploratory holes in the vicinity of where they thought they may be. They drilled seven holes with no success. On the eighth attempt, they located them.

The size of the hole was just large enough to send a long cable through in which a written note could be attached. One of the miners wrote a note that said, “We are all alive” and attached it to the cable. When the note was received by rescue workers, they immediately went to work to create a plan how to bring the trapped miners to the service.

They created the plan and informed the miners that it would take many months to rescue them, possibly as late as Christmas. Meanwhile, through this small hole in which they had established communication with the miners they began to send food and medicine to help the miners survive. The plan was to drill another hole large enough to send a rescue capsule big enough in which one person could fit in to be brought to the surface. The rescue workers accomplished their plan earlier than expected and were able to rescue all thirty three miners.

The influence of the Holy Ghost acts as a life line to those whom are trapped by the burden of sin. As a person feels just enough of the influence of the Holy Ghost to learn that there is One who can rescue us all and brings peace and happiness into our lives, it brings hope. As the miners were sent nourishment to stay alive through a small hole until a big enough hole could be completed to bring them to the surface, the Holy Ghost brings spiritual nourishment as a person begins to pray, study the Book of Mormon and attend Church. The life line increases in size sufficient for a person to develop faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement and a desire to conform his or her will to the will of the Lord through repentance. Faith in Christ and repentance prepare a person to allow the Savior to rescue them through the sacred ordinance of baptism by water and the Spirit.

As those miners came to the surface, what joy was felt by family, love ones and the rescue workers. What joy is felt as a person comes to the surface of the waters of baptism, rescued from the bondage of sin to a new life.

15 And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me! (D&C 18:15-16)"

Well I know that now is my time to fulfill this scripture and see many souls brought into the kingdom of God. I love this work and I love my Savior. Thanks for everything. ¡Que siempre estén unidos en amor y caridad, y muestren a todos quienes son y lo que representan! Les amo, chao,

Elder Webb

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dearest family,

Thanks for the email dad and those pictures mom. Wow I would love to have seen that storm. Thats pretty sweet. Sounds like things have been pretty crazy up there. Those mission opportunities that you've had dad are pretty great. I'm sure he'll start coming to church if when you invite him. Oh and about the ground breaking, thats pretty neat. I would like to be there. Elder Costa actually talked to our mission here about a month and a half ago. He speaks spanish really well but you can tell he has a brazillian accent. He is a great 70 and gave a really good talk. That will be a neat experience.

Well once again we've had a pretty good week. We had a couple of rough days but in the end we got blessed a lot. Eduardo didn't get baptized yesterday. He was progressing really well and making some changes but he hasn't been able to live certain commandments. He is finally starting to realize the importance of these changes he needs to make and should be getting baptized in the end of October or November. Hopefully I'm here to see his baptism. His whole family is active now and his dad went and bought scriptures for the whole family and bought them suits to come to church looking nice instead of like gangsters haha. But they're an amazing family. A cool experience, randomely a family showed up to church that we didn't really recognize. We had said hi to this lady but she never told us she was a member when we asked her like a month ago. But she showed up with her husband and 9-year-old kid. The parents are members and want to return to the church and we went over to their house after church and taught their kid who is going to get baptized Oct 31. That was a real blessing. We're praying for the baptism of Macarena this weekend. She was so excited for her baptism 2 weeks ago but hasn't been reading much or praying so we know that it will be a important step for her but she wants to get baptized so we're going to do everything possible. We're working well with the members and I know its the key to this work. The members here are amazing and are willing to help especially if we invite them.

I love this work. I just realized that well, a year from today I'll be stepping off that plane. It will be a day of mixed feelings. I love every part of this wonderful work, every experience, good or bad. I'm starting to realize how much I've changed in a year and its quite a bit. The gospel is a lifelong process and wow in the mission you can see its affects so much more. Thanks for everything and helping me be able to be here. I love you guys heaps. Dejen que la virtud engalane sus pensamientos incesantemente... y el espíritu será su cetro de rectitud y les fluirá constantemente. Les amo, chao,

Elder Webb

Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4, 2010

Dearest Family,

Sorry if you feel like I'm not detailed enough in my emails mother haha. There are some details that aren't necessary, especially if its just gonna make you worried. Well La Pucará like I said is pretty ghetto but its not that dangerous. Plus we're friends with all the gangsters there and a couple of drunk people said that they got our back if any punks wanna jump us so we're all set. And about the volcano, the Chileans are really good at making up a bunch of stuff and turning it into a hype. I've heard so many different 'worst case scenario conspiracy theories' that I dont know what to believe anymore. But yes supposedly there's a volcano in south santiago that has had a little bit of activity underground. So you can look that up if you want mom but don't start worrying haha. To answer some of your questions, yes we got to see all 5 sessions here and in english and it was really good. I'll talk about conference more later. Oh and this thursday yes is my hump day. Wow I am having a hard time believing it but yup, I only have a year left. I don't think I'll be burning anything because it just wouldnt be possible where we live in our nice gated apartment buildings. But we'll probably cook something good. Speaking of, you had the missionaries over to eat thats nice. The members down here take good care of us don't worry and definitely give us plenty to eat. But wow you have no idea how much I miss mexican food. The food here is good but Chilean food doesn't have much flavor. Especially spicy, they don't eat like any spicy food and so Mexican food is non-existent here. That makes me miss your enchiladas and tostadas. Yes mom, I do miss your lovely cooking sometimes!

Well things are going good here in Lo Campino. We had conference this weekend which was amazing and I learned a lot. I love the priesthood session where they talked a lot about pride and agency and decisions. Its amazing how much more you learn as a missionary trying to apply what you learn in your own life and in the lives of your investigators. It was a great experience. We had a lot of investigators committed to come but many kinda flaked out and others couldn't come but we havent lost our faith in them. This sunday will be the baptism of Eduardo. He is the older brother of Noelia, the other girl that got baptized about 2 weeks ago. He has come a long way and is excited for his baptism. He looks like a complete gangster with tatoos and everything but has realized the only true path is Jesus Christ and his gospel. We're pretty excited for him. Also we had a neat experience with an "eternal investigator" as we call it, called Macarena. I taught her all the lessons like 4 months ago but never progressed because she never went to church. We went over the other day and she said she will go to church, that she finally wants to. We waited for her at church and finally came. We visited her this tuesday and had an amazing lesson. We asked her if she wants to be baptized and she said yes but she doesnt want to fail God. We asked her if she doesn't get baptized if she will still fail. She said yes. Then we reexplained the doctine of repentance after baptism and gave her the choice to get baptized in October and she said yes I'll do it, I'm full of the spirit! So she said she's going to be baptized the 17th. It was a neat experience. The funny part is that normally we shouldn't have eternal investigators because they waste our time if they never progress but I had always felt that she was going to be baptized. That was a neat experience for us. We have more people that we're teaching but still looking for more. The work will go on here!

Well thanks for the email! I love you guys a lot. Que siempre se esfuercen a desarrollar la fe que tienen en Jesucristo mediante los pequeños actos de caridad hacia los demas, especialmente su familia. Les amo, chao

Elder Webb

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hey family,

¿Qué pasa? Thanks for the email dad. Don't worry, I haven't been sick for a while. I actually havent gained any weight, I'm still at 150 just hovering there but I do have to watch what I eat and I usually don't eat that much because the member that cooks lunch for us gives us a ridiculous amount of food and she cooks with a lot of oil so I usually ask for less haha, I've learned how to deal with it. But it is pretty good. I never complain.

Well this week was quite the adventure. Last tuesday after sending that email we went and hiked up that hill again thats by our house and on the way back down we started running because it wasn't too steep at one part and my comp started going faster and biffed it at the end. Luckily nothing serious happened he just got scraped up a bit but it was pretty funny. We shared a good laugh. I'll send some pictures of that.

Saturday night we got to see Gustavo baptized by our mission leader Hermano Cacares. It was amazing. Gustavo is a big man and Hno Cacares just about fell in the water with him but it was sweet. Gustavo is actually a heavy metal rocker and it kinda shows in his picture that I'll send but he's a really humble man and has converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He will make a really great leader in the church and will change the lives of many people. He wants to get sealed with his wife and Jeremias in a year, (hopefully while I'm still in Chile). He was then confirmed yesterday with Noelia and we got to see them receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. That is always the best part.

Today was transfers and I'm gonna be stickin around here for another 6 weeks at least! I'm in my 4th transfer here. My comp is still Elder Murdoch. I'm still gonna be district leader but now theres 6 missionaries in the district and one of the companionships is a pair of hermanas haha. It'll be a good learning experience this transfer and I'll learn a lot from them. I've always been grateful for the opportunities to serve others.

Well I don't got much more to say. I love you guys a lot and I hope you enjoy conference this week! ¡Que siempre se acuerden que Dios es nuestro Padre Celestial y tenemos un destino divino de llegar a ser como Él y nuestro progreso es sin fin! Les amo mucho, chao

Elder Webb

ps: Feliz Cumpleaños Clayton!!! 23 years old... man thats old. I'll send you some good stuff in the Christmas package I send you guys.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dearest family,

Hey thanks for the email mom. Sounds like you guys are enjoying the nice weather up there. Its finally getting warmer down here. I love it. Yes we hear all the time about the trapped miners. I think they're a couple hundred miles to the north of us but it sounds like they're all still doing fine. Thats awesome that Elder Cook came down and talked to you guys. Hope you got some good things out of it. In two weeks we have general conference. I'm pretty pumped for that. We get to watch it in english all the gringo missionaries. It'll be a great experience.

Well this week was quite the week. First of all, it was the bicentenial of Chile so everything was crazy. Walking around in the streets the air was full of smoke from the barbeques and everyone offers you food and we probably ate like 7 empanadas each. Seriously, we ate so much meat this weekend I don't think we can teach the Word of Wisdom anymore because we're not living it haha jk. But it was great, the chileans are really proud of their country.

We had some amazing experiences this week. I'll start with Gustavo, Jeremias' dad. Before last week he had some doubts and still didn't want to commit to baptism. We visited him Sunday night and things were the same. So monday was P-Day and we hadnt planned to visit him that night but later that day my comp and I felt like we should visit him. I was reading in PMG about the conversion by the spirit and felt like we should read that with him so we decided to visit him and bring PMG. When we got there is wife (who is a member) wasnt there and we started sharing the lesson with him. We read that part where it says when the spirit touches your heart, your heart changes. When he read that he looked at us and after about 1 minute of silence asked us when we could hold baptisms. He said he's gonna get baptized this weekend the 25th of September but he wants it to be a surprise for his wife haha. So wow, what blessings we can receive by following the Spirit. This saturday he's gonna get baptized. Oh and yesterday we had the baptism of Noelia, who is 11. It was really spiritually and everyone got a little emotional. There really is nothing like seeing people get baptized. I'll send some pictures. Her great aunt came, who is baptist I think, and said that she's gonna come to our church every sunday for now on. Their whole family is now active and we're working on helping their 15 year old son, Eduardo, get baptized. He wants to do it but just needs to work out some things first. We also found a lot more new investigators yesterday. A family of 5 and another guy that is 23 and is single that said he wants to get baptized Oct 17th. We're having a lot of success here now and its all because the Lord blesses his servants when they ask for it worthily. I love the mission so much. Its been amazing. Thanks for your examples. I love you guys. Que siempre estén felices y cumplan con lo que se les propongan. Recuerden a todos que a ellos les aman en sus oraciones. Gracias, chao,

Elder Webb

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hola familia,

Hey thanks for the letters this week. This week has been pretty exciting. Well, first of all, September 11th here is an important day as it is in the USA. On september 11th here like 30 or 40 years ago is when the people revolted against the dictator Pinochet. And so long story short, basically every September 11th, all the teenaged boneheads go out in the street and cause mayhem. Haha I've heard some pretty crazy stories from other missionaries but not that much happened here in Quilicure because its on the outskirts of the city. But we had to enter our apartment when it got dark and we couldnt leave. We did hear gunshots and smelt them burning stuff outside but nothing else happened. It was pretty exciting. This week is the independence day for Chile on the 18th. It´ll be pretty exciting because everyone basically makes barbeques the whole week and free empanadas haha. But importante information for you guys... this next week my P-Day is going to be Tuesday NOT Monday because on monday its still the holiday weekend and everything is closed. Ok? So don't expect a letter on Monday mom and when you don't get it, don't call President May haha. Oh and also, yesterday was pretty cool, we were teaching a family when there was another little aftershock. Once again, we're pretty used to them now but it still gets your heart pumping when the whole building starts swaying back and forth.

Well, the work of the Lord is moving forth here in Lo Campino. Our ward is growing stronger and stronger everyday. This next week we are expecting 2 baptisms in our area. One is the child of that family we found and her friend. The Lord works in mysterious ways but we're finding connections with a lot of people and helping them recognize the church in their lives, through friends and family. Jeremias' dad, Gustavo, already mentioned to us that he's going to get baptized but he's taking his time and not rushing things. We're thinking he'll be baptized the last sunday in September. A lot of prayers will help him with this important decision. I'm learning a lot about how to converse with other people. You guys always told me I was shy a while ago but the mission definitely changes that. You learn how to ask sincere questions. Its really quite amazing how much you learn. We also found another family where only the mom is a member and she's been inactive for years. But they came to church and we're starting to teach them. We're still looking for more people but the Lord always puts them in our path without question.

I love you guys heaps. Les amo muchísimo. Nunca se rindan del camino y siempre den gracias al Señor por las cosas que reciben, tanto espirituales como temporales. Cuídense, con amor,

Elder Webb

Monday, September 6, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dear family,

Hey thanks for the letters. Yes I did get my package and everything was in it that was on the list you sent me except I never saw 'I am a Child of God' stickers. But its alright I got everything. Thanks a lot! I did have a good birthday. We went and had some pizza in down town Santiago and a family made me a cake. I felt at home dont worry. I do miss having giant pots of mac and cheese for my birthday though haha.

Well things are going great here in Quilicura. Jeremías had is confirmation yesterday. It was a great experience to take part in. His dad very likely will get baptized either this week or the 26th. And we help activate an entire family, the one that we found miraculously, and we're going to baptize at least one of their kids on the 19th. They are such an amazing family. Very humble and they recognize that they´ve been losing a lot of blessings while not being active in the church. We continue to have some amazing lessons and experiences here. We're teaching a lot of people who are slowly opening their heart to the gospel. I know that the Book of Mormon has that power, to soften the hearts of those that read it sincerely. Jeremias' dad is a really intellectual man and has only had one question about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. By reading and praying he could resolve his own doubts about the book. The members here are amazing. We live in front of a pretty ghetto neighborhood called la Pucará. And in there there is a little health center and a member works there. She knows basically everyone there and this week we're going to pass out about 10 book of mormons and have lessons with them. The members make the difference in missionary work. Hopefully you guys are still having missionary experiences there.

Well I'm learning a lot. Especially about obedience. Remember that who we are is what we think about when we don't have anything to do. If we think about meaningless things then we are slothful servants. We should always have something positive and uplifting in our minds. Also, I invite you guys to read the January ensign about the talk from Elder Holland called 'The best is yet to come.' This talk has made a difference in my life as a missionary. Well keep chuggin along in work, school, church, and the temple. I love you guys and miss you heaps. Les amo muchísimo. Que siempre cumplan con lo que se les propongan. Con amor,

Elder Webb

ps: oh yesterday I had an empanada de jibia. Its like giant squid in a fried bread thing. It was pretty good. Mom wouldn't have liked it I don't think.

Monday, August 30, 2010

He has some new jeans in his Birthday package so hopefully this will be the last time we see these....

Monday, August 30, 2010

Dearest family,

Hey thanks for the happy birthday wishes. I dont feel like I'm 20 already. But no more teenagers in the family thats pretty nuts. Well first of all, no I haven't gotten my package yet but I'm sure I'll get it tomorrow in our zone class. Don't worry i'll just be glad to get a package.

Well this week was an amazing week. Yesterday Jeremias got baptized. It was an awesome experience and everything went well. His parents were there. His mom is already a member but his dad no. His dad told us last night that he wants to get baptized and so we're positive that in September he's gonna join his family as members of the church so that one day they can get sealed in the temple. We've had a lot of cool experiences like that and the Lord is blessing us a lot. Also that family that I talked about last week all came to church again and we're going to baptize their daughter and her friend on September 19th. She told us a pretty neat experience that the night before we came by her house, there was a fight in her family and she was praying a lot that night for help, that God would send help. No wonder we were guided to her house that night. It was a nice confirming experience. We are teaching a lot of people here in Lo Campino. Some have troubles getting to church but the Lord is putting a lot of people in our path to teach and I know we're changing the lives of a lot of people little by little. Our mission is changing a lot right now. We're all having a boost of faith and making really high goals. Our baptismal goal tripled for this next month and the whole mission is making a lot of changes. Its going to be a great month in September. Ever since we listened to Elder Costa the last week when he said that we can baptize as many people we want and told us how to do it, we're actually believing it and its helping a lot. I love the mission. Its been an amazing experience. Thank goodness I still have a lot of time left. Well those are the main experiences I had this week. We're going to go eat some good Chilean food for my bday haha. I'll include some pictures from when we climbed up the little mountain by our house in the clouds. I love you guys and miss you a lot. Take care and stay out of trouble. Les amo,

Elder Webb

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dearest family,

Alright first I'll answer your questions so I dont forget. Well here in Santiago theres hardly ever lightning. I've only seen one bolt of lightning my whole mission. But it does rain quite a bit. Its really green here right now and finally warms up a bit in the day time so its been nice. And my package hasn't come yet. The thing is that every week we have a zone class tuesday or wednesday and thats when we got all our mail and packages so it should be here tomorrow. Let's hope :)

Well looks like you all are enjoying the time with the grandkids. I cant believe how big they are from that picture you sent me. Wow time flies. Well this week was an amazing week. We really saw some miracles here. Well our first night we went out to tract a little bit and knock some doors. We decided to go to a little condominium place thats pretty ghetto called the Pucará. We went there, climbed up to the third floor and knocked on the door. We didn't have very much time so we were trying to find someone to teach and fast. They opened the door and let us in. We found out that they were members but they have 2 kids that haven't been baptized because they've been inactive for a long time. We taught a powerful lesson with them and came back the next day. We gave one of her daughters a baptismal date for Sept 19th. She acepted it right away. They all went to church as a family well, without her husband because he was working. We then asked her how she felt about her baptismal date and she said impacient. Haha wow, I´ve never really had someone say that. Granted she is only 11 but she understands everything. And she's already asking about what she needs to do to go on a mission. And we also met her friend and she wants to get baptized too. The Lord always blesses us when we keep our covenants. Jeremias is also ready for his baptism this sunday. That will be a great experience. He's been waiting for a while now and now he's finally ready and his dad is going to get baptized two weeks later. Those are just some of the many miracles that we've been seeing.

This saturday, Elder Costa from the presidency of the 70 came and talked to our mission and the East mission. It was an amazing talk and focused a lot on faith. Moroni 7:33 talks about how everything is possible and we need to have high goals, and believe in them. He talked about our divine purpose and the missions that we have in our lives and how we are not meant to have small goals but set them high and believe that you can reach them. Then do whatever it takes to reach it. It really struck me pretty good. He's a powerful speaker.

Well I know this church is true, and that it miracles happen on a daily basis. I love the mission. Thanks for everything, I love you guys heaps. Chao,

Elder Webb

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dearest family,

Hey thanks for the emails. So today was transfers. I went with Elder Argueta to the mission home at 8 in the morning and he should be off to Puerto Rico tomorrow. My new comp is Elder Murdoch from Idaho. He's a great Elder. We were in the same zone about 6 months ago. We will accomplish some great things here this change. Also I got called as district leader. I hope that I can be a good leader but I'm excited to serve.

Well this last week here we had some cool experiences. We found a bunch more people to teach and we're helping them meet more members so that they can come to church. Gustavo and Jeremias came to church yesterday and loved it. Jeremias is going to get baptized in 2 weeks and his dad 2 weeks later. They are an amazing family. We're so grateful to be working with them. We met some other part member families. We were teaching a little bit of the first lesson with a guy and his wife when all of the sudden his wife says that she's a member. We were kind of surprised. They said that they liked the church but just stopped going. They also have 2 kids that are interested who can get baptized. We're going to be working a lot with them. I know that the Lord works miracles in the hearts of the people. As a mission we're hoping to have a boost of faith because a lot of Elders have been a little down lately. I've relearned the principle of faith and how it really reflects our desires. If we have the desire, the will, then we have to 'exercise' faith. A scripture that I have been thinking about lately is in Alma 32:41 "But if ye will nourish the word, yea, nourish the tree as it beginneth to grow, by your faith with great diligence, and with apatience, looking forward to the fruit thereof, it shall take root; and behold it shall be a tree bspringing up unto everlasting life." I like the part that says looking forward to the fruit thereof. Its interesting because the fruit can't be seen but its there and we have to look forward at it. Theres many ways we can apply that to our lives.

Well thanks a lot for the package. I'm excited because I'm about out of contact solution. I understand Dad about the patriarchal blessings, I'll read them when I get back. And to answer your question, I usually dedicate most of my time writing you guys. For example last week I didn't write any of my friends. But I usually send one or two emails to my friends every week. And I got the valentine envelope from the ward in february but besides that I haven't gotten anything from anyone else.

Thanks for everything padres y hermano. I hope that the family is doing great and its good to hear that dad is still working at the temple and mom's job is going good and clayton has a calling. I hope that the whole family is good. Man, Jarems kids are so big!!! wow.... well I love you guys. Thanks for everything. I love the mission! chao,

Elder Webb

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Hey family,

Thanks for the letter dad. Things are going better here in Lo Campino 2. We've had some amazing experiences with a couple families. We taught a family about how they can have an eternal family and it was a really powerful lesson. We read the Proclamation to the world letter and talked a lot because they didn't believe that they could have an eternal family. It was a really powerful lesson and the spirit was really strong. Then we gave them a date for their baptism and their son will be baptised on August 29th and the father on September 12th. We´re also working hard with the members and we´ll should be finding a bunch of new investigators soon. I know that its been dificult here but through hard work this ward will bring forth a lot of fruits. Well I don't have very much time today because on the last monday, the missionaries that leave get to visit their converts. So I can't take much time. But this sunday is transfers. I'm gonna be staying here but I'll let you guys know who my new comp is and everything.

Oh and I remembered two more things that you guys could send me that would help me a lot. I need a new little bottle full of olive oil to give blessings because I lost mine after giving a blessing once. Sorry haha. And also, I had a bunch of little wallet size pictures of my mission picture that I took at brandts. I'm sure there's a bag full of about 10 or so in the house. If you guys could send me some more wallet size pictures or get a couple more because I would like to leave some with our converts. Well I'll be writing you guys next week and filling you in on what happens and some funny stories that I've had. Thanks for all the prayers. The mission is amazing and is changing me everyday. Thanks guys, love ya heaps. Chao,

Elder Webb

Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dearest family,

Sounds like things are pretty exciting back at home. To answer your question, I actually took out 60,000 pesos which is about 120 bucks because its about 530 pesos for every dollar so it doesn't seem like that even charged me a fee. Thats good!

Well things have been a little tough this week in Lo Campino. Well at least it was like that in the beginning of the week. We had a couple of days where everyone was rejecting us and two of the three families we were teaching aren´t talking to us anymore. Juanita isn't talking to us either. But I'm learning a lot. I know that we have to pass through these hard moments in order to become purified and more humble. We helped reactivate a lady that hadn't been to church for about 12 years and she came with her husband who isn't a member and her son that is 9 years old. We went by after church to talk with them and had a powerful lesson about eternal families. I've never felt the reality of eternal so powerfully. We're going to be working a lot with them. I know that is what they want most right now. We also found another family last night at about 9pm. There's three people in the family. I'm so excited for them because they understood their need for baptism and expressed their desires to be baptized in the end of August. We'll be praying a lot for them as we help them realize that all the blessings they are looking for in their lives exists in this perfect gospel. I know that the Lord blesses us when we are in times of need, all we have to do is ask.

For two days I was with an Elder called Elder Key that just barely got to Chile and is from Texas. It was awesome to be with him because he doesn't speak a lick of spanish. Haha it was great but he is an amazing missionary that is always happy. We worked well together and I helped him learn the first vision in Spanish which he said that day in a lesson then later the man accepted a date for his baptism. It was amazing. I love the new missionaries. In this transfer we are gonna have a lot of changes in the mission. My comp finishes his mission and goes to Puerto Rico. 24 missionaries are leaving and we're going to receive 18 new missionaries. I would love to train this transfer but we'll see what happens =). Well I would like you guys to maybe throw in a couple of prayers for Juan Carlos, Juan Francisco, Gipsy, Lorena, and Alberto because they're an amazing family that really needs to find a way to get to church this sunday. Also for Marcela, Gustavo, and Jeremías. We are looking for some baptisms in the form of a family, especially these families we are teaching. The power of prayer is amazing.

Alright if you guys insist, the only candy I would ask for are those crazy core skittles. Those are amazing! And don't forget to send lots of pictures of the family =). Oh and maybe some of those scripture stickers that you can stick over the verses. But if you can't find them at Deseret, dont worry about it.

Well thanks for the letters, the love and support. I love you guys a lot and I always pray for you. Stay out of trouble and all the drama the happens back at home. Chao,

Elder Webb

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

Dearest familia,

Buenas días familia. Well I hope that you all have had an amazing week. This week was full of some ups a downs. First I´ll talk about the downside. Well Juanita was all ready for her baptism, she had had her interview and everything went perfectly. But to make a long story short she never answered her phone or door on Saturday when we went by to visit her and never showed up to her baptism. We talked to her friend and supposedly she made a mistake. She wasn´t worthy for her baptism. Well we´re still going to support her and she says she´ll come to church by herself. I know she´ll be baptized but it won´t be for another couple of weeks at least. That kinda made us disheartened but we never lost our faith. And also the Lord continues to bless us immensly. We found two more families this week that we´re teaching and they should be getting baptized in August. We are teaching a lot of people, the only thing now is that we need to help them progress. The work here is difficult but I love it, it makes us stretch and grow more and more. We have some amazing members that are helping us a lot. I know that the members are an essential part in missionary work. Always remember that.

Well thats good that Clayton is gonna get a calling. It´ll help him stay out of trouble haha. And I forgot to comment but man, Drew Romney´s already getting married? Wow, who is the girl? Oh and don´t worry Dad, yes we have our little heater. It doesn´t do much but it does enough. The only thing is that our showers aren´t very warm at all haha but its all good, all the more adventure. Oh and thats great that you meet John Hoops. I´m happy that he´s going on a mission, wow france. I played baseball with him thats true. He was at my farewell actually. Well I wish him luck. And Amber Veater, le mando saludos.

Well thats about it for this week. If you guys could throw in a couple of prayers for Juanita, I think that would help a lot. I know it would. I have been learning a lot lately about prayer and the power that it contains. I know that we have a duty to talk with our Heavenly Father every day, in every moment. Not only is it a commandment but it is such a blessing. We can ask for divine help and guidance in every moment. It doesn´t matter what happens to me, I always have the guidance of my Father in Heaven. What a powerful blessing it is. We need to always pray sincerely. I love the mission. It has opened my eyes and understanding to great things, ´hidden treasures´. ¡Que sean felices ustedes! Les amo mucho, su hijo y hermano,

Elder Webb

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Wow its been cold here. The Chileans are saying that we´re having a polar wave from antartica. The other day it was -7 C which is about 19 degrees F. So it definitely gets colder here than good ole Arizona. And I was looking at the forecast that you sent me and it says we´re gonna get a half a foot of snow on Wednesday?? What? It hasn´t snowed it Santiago since 2006. Que loco...

Well we´re making progress here in Lo Campino. This Sunday Juanita is gonna get baptized. Man she´s awesome. She told us this week that she can´t wait for August 1st so that she can bear her testimony in sacrament. We´ve been pretty blessed here as missionaries. This will be the first baptism here in 2010 so it should give the ward a good boost. Also, another cool experience. Last night we were walking around contacting future investigators, we felt a little bit bummed because we had to stop visiting a couple of investigators that haven´t been progressing. We went to the house of Juan Francisco and he let us in right away. I knew something good would come out of this lesson. We taught lesson 1 to him, his wife and two of his kids. It was a great, short, powerful lesson and the spirit was there strong. In the end all four of them accepted a date to be baptized August 15th. I know that the Lord prepared this family for us and I hope that we can be instruments in His hands to help them into the waters of baptism.

Well I´ve been learning a lot in the mission. I´ve kind of been thinking about everything that I´ve learned since I left to the MTC and its a lot. One thing is that I love talking to everybody. I have learned so much about patience, charity, obedience, and my purpose in life and I know I would be completely different if I wasn´t here in Chile serving the Lord. I want to say thanks for helping be here in the mission because it has changed my life.

Oh a little side note. I took out a little bit more money. I need to buy a flash drive because my camera started erasing some fotos so I need to make a back up. Also I need to buy a few things for our new apartment because it doesn´t have anything. Don´t worry the mission will reimburse me. And I have a little favor to ask. There´s a book from Deseret Book called (in english) "Leave Your Mark in the Scriptures" by Mark R. Hale. Its a small book that talks about marking your scriptures. In Spanish its called "Deje su Marca en las Escrituras". If you can´t find it in Spanish, english is fine but if you guys could, basically that and some fotos of the family would be all I ask for for now =)

Well I hope you guys survive the brutal heat (I miss the lovely Arizona summer haha). Don´t get struck by lightning. Thanks for the news... if theres anything interesting thats happened in the ward, let me know. Love you guys, chao,

Elder Webb

Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Dearest family,

I hope ya´ll are doin well. Haha we have a new missionary in our zone that just arrived and is from Texas. He has some tough times with Spanish but he´s learning fast enough. Anyways its good to hear from you guys. Sounds like everything is pretty much the same. Its still really cold down here. It rained a ton on tuesday.. it poured the whole day straight. It was quite the adventure. So Elder Argueta has been kind of sick, he has an infection in his lungs but he wants stay here and finish out his mission. He only has 5 weeks left. We´re working hard together. We found 3 new investigators this week and one of them is amazing. We´re preparing somebody for her baptism in 2 weeks called Juanita. Rarely have I met somebody as prepared as she is. She had a pretty tough week then one day got home from work and she said that her BoM was just calling at her for like 5 mins. She went over and just started reading in a random spot then felt the Spirit really strong. Wow she is way pumped for her baptism. We´re working well with the members. This ward has a special spirit and there are some excellent members that help us a lot.

So President May visited our ward this week during sacrament meeting and gave a little talk on our motives in life. He talked about how love is our motive for everything. Christ is our reason but our motive is love. It was an excellent talk and I invite you guys to think about that a little bit. We can always apply a little more love in our lives.

Well I really hope that everything goes well with Jarem and his interview. Tell him and Tara and the kids that I love them. I´m thinking about you guys and miss you. Thanks for everything that you´ve done for me. I´ll see ya later! Chao,

Elder Webb

ps. oh we are going to be changing our house this week. We´ve been living with the other missionaries for a while but outside of our area. So we finally found a house in our sector. Basically look up Villa la Pucará. We´ll be right in front of that. Its in the valley south of the freeway. ¡Cuídense!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday July 5, 2010

Dearest family,

Hey I got both of your letters so thanks! This week was pretty good here in Lo Campino 2. We found an amazing investigator that is just looking for more friends and needs more support in her life. We went over to her house on Saturday and taught her the first lesson. She´s going to be baptized here in a couple of weeks. She came to church yesterday and loved it. It was really a gift, the member called us and told us she has a friend. I know that we basically don´t do anything as missionaries, we prepare people for baptism but the Lord and the members prepare people long before we usually talk to them. We have a lot of high hopes here. We plan on baptizing a lot of people here in July. Well today we had transfers again and my comp left because he´s been here for 7 months. My new comp is Elder Argueta from Honduras. He was my Zone leader in Zapadencia for 3 transfers. He´s an awesome Elder and we´re going to work really good together. This is his last transfer in the mission before he goes home but I don´t think he will have any trunky problems.

So in other news, its still cold and dark down here, you guys should be glad you have all that beautiful sun. I like the change but its just weird freezing in July. We celebrated a little bit the 4th of July down here. We had lunch with a family that lived in the States for 7 years so they made us some american hamburgers. It was amazing, I haven´t eaten anything american for a long time. Elder Boyce burned a tie from his old girlfriend that got married as a firework display. Wasn´t my idea. Oh also we had a little afterschock this week. We were teaching a lesson on the 3rd floor of some ghetto apartment buildings when the whole building starts swaying. It wasn´t that strong but its definitely a bit different when you´re higher up. But anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed your 4th of July! You guys better be readin them scriptures together and praying as a family. If you guys do send me something, basically the most important thing that I want is a lot more pictures of the family and those patriarchal blessings of you can. Por favor =). Well behave yourselves. Keep up the work at the temple Dad. And that doesn´t mean the rest of the family shouldnt be going regularly too. I love you guys, and miss you. Chao,

Elder Webb

Monday, June 28, 2010