Monday, October 19, 2009

Querido familia,

Thanks for the nice short little emails. It was good to hear from you Mom and Dad during the week. Whats Clayton been up to? Is he married yet or what?

Well things are going good here. I havent really seen anyone thats sick because as soon as they do get sick, they send them off to the quarentine building. But yeah we're pretty isolated here in the MTC so no one really gets sick. I got a flu shot and my second Hep A shot the second day I was here so I'm good on shots. I paid 83 bucks cash for them. Well, Time really is starting to fly by. We're learning the lessons pretty fast and teaching them a lot. And we still have a lot of spanish to learn but we're speaking it a lot and learning fast. I'm excited to get to Chile and actually be immersed in it. Our district is really good and we get along well. I was called as district leader last week, I wasn't very excited for it at first because we already have so much to do but I like it because its a great opportunity to serve the other eleven elders in our district. We're all going to Chile Santiago North except for two who are going to the Guatemala MTC next week.

My departure date is December 7th. Its a monday I believe. The weather up here was cold for a bit but now its kind of warm. I think it will cool off soon. This morning when we woke up and started walking to the temple, there was lightning outside and it started to rain on us so we sprinted up the hill as fast as we could. Its pretty tiring. I love the temple up here, its really nice to just relax and feel the spirit after a tough week of work. Its going really good though and I love the experience up here. We're learning a lot and growing through the Spirit and learning to teach with it. I love teaching the lessons and going to the RC and talking with people. And thanks for helping pay for my mission madre y padre. I'm sure you guys will recognize how much you will be blessed for that.

Well keep me updated about Sydney and Clayton and what the weather will be like up here and stuff because I can't look at the forecasts. I miss that! Tell Clayton to send me some ties.. I need some more. Tell him I want that yellow one :) Well I love you guys! I'll talk to you next week. You can send me a letter in the mail too ya know. Or a package. Well.. actually I don't need it because another elder in my room gets like 2 packages a day and is inundated with cookies and chips so I don't need anything. Anyways, love everyone and talk to you later!

Elder Webb


  1. I'm so glad he's doing well! Thanks for posting his letters! =]

  2. I love hearing about his life in the MTC. Helps me know what goes on in there.

  3. I love hearing about it the MTC from a different perspective as well. I know a couple of people who work in the MTC in Provo. So its nice to hear it from Aarons side. :>
