Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25, 2010

Hola Familia,
> Wow sounds like things are pretty crazy up in Arizona. I wish I could see that... tornado warnings?? Hmm. All I´ve seen down here in chile is sun sun and more sun. Its the dry season and so it doesnt rain for like 4 months straight. It hasn´t rained since November down here I don´t think. But its good because it rains quite a bit in the winter. Thanks for the package though! I think it´ll take a little bit longer. probably around 3 weeks. I warned you not to put stuff in there that weigh a lot because it costs a ton to send it. But I´ll be grateful when I get it :) And thanks Clayton for the camera, it makes up for the last 2 months of emails haha. jk. And whats this about him getting a plasma tv? I haven´t even seen a plasma tv down here. Not very many houses have a good tv. I´ve definitely learned a new definition of poor. I love it though, every night is an adventure in our tiny little house. Our toilet flusher broke and so we have to reach down in it and flush it by hand every time. We´re determined to fix it later today I hope. I got sick 2 days ago but i think its the water. Everynow and then us gringos feel sick from the water because it has more chlorine than what we´re used to. I haven´t felt any earthquakes yet. I am starting a quote of the day in my journal and I´ll start sharing some with you soon because the chilean people say the funniest things... I´ll have to share. But its good to hear about the family. And tell Benny congrats for the mission. I´ll be excited to hear where he goes.
> Well things down here are moving along. We will have two baptisms the sunday after this coming one. One is a niño that has about 11 years and his family was inactive but are becoming more active now. The other is the little sister of a recent convert who wants to be baptized. I don´t understand their mother though. During one of the lessons, she was helping us and testifying of joseph Smith and the church to here daughter but when we ask here what is impeding here she says she already found her path. We think eventually we will be able to help her understand and be baptized eventually too but I think she doesnt want to give up smoking. We´re working hard with a family thats going to be baptized the 14th of feb. The parents are going to get married the first part of feb and the father still needs to give up smoking. But its great to see their faith and that their willing to change. Also lately, we´ve been encouraged to work more with the members and so almost every day we go and teach some of the members the atonement. Presidente May has encouraged us to study it and teach it every day and we will become better missionaries. It really strengthens your testimony to testify of His atonement everyday. I know that he is my Savior and that he is there to help me change and repent. You guys are invited also, to study a little bit everyday of the atonement because it changes your perspective on everything.
> Well thanks alot for everything! I hope that you guys continue along well, and that Clayton uses his money wisely.. haha. Les amo, Chao
> Elder Webb

1 comment:

  1. what is a nino? And the water has chlorine in it? Why?
