Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

Buenas tardes familia Thanks for the news update. Yeah I´m in no hurry for the package don´t worry. You can put ´ropas usadas´on the outside, put also I think you have to fill out a customs form that says whats included. I´ve seen other elder´s packages that say whats included. Just write it simple like, camera, backpack, shirts. Or I´ve seen another elders package that said missionary supplies but inside it was definitely just candy. Put definitely put a picture of Christ on there. That solves everything. But yeah, this week was good. Today was transfers. I´m still in Recoleta but my trainer went to a different zone to be a zone leader. My new companion is Elder Coats from Salt Lake. He has only been out in the field for 1 more transfer more than me. In fact, he was in the MTC when I got there. So we´re both really new but its gonna be awesome to work together and learn a lot. I´ll stick in a couple pictures of us. This week was great though. We´ve had dificult times but in the end it always turns out good. This sunday, Nicolas, who was supposed to be baptized a while ago but couldnt because of his parents came up to us in church and said he can be baptized this Sunday! But we talked to his dad and he said it probably wont be this sunday because he has to finish these legal papers that makes him the legal father. But yeah, that was awesome, we knew that someday he would be able to be baptized. We´re continuing to teach and find new investigators. Spanish overall is getting a lot better. Everyday is different as I´ve been told though as I found out yesterday. It felt like I couldn´t understand anything all day long. But today its completely different again. Its because of how much we are humble and if we need to be humbled even more. But I´m loving it. Today is the first cloudy day I think the whole time I´ve been here. Its been nothing but sun. Its kinda strange because in the day its hot but at night its starting to get cold. But thanks for everything! I love the people down here, I´ve noticed how much they give us when it appears they have nothing to give. That helps me understand the humility of some of these people. Pero, les amo familia. ¡Cuidense! Elder Webb

1 comment:

  1. That is very awesome that the baptism will be able to go through. I know how hard it can be when the parents are against the baptism. It really hurts the ones who have found christ and are trying to get on the path to eternal life.
