Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday July 5, 2010

Dearest family,

Hey I got both of your letters so thanks! This week was pretty good here in Lo Campino 2. We found an amazing investigator that is just looking for more friends and needs more support in her life. We went over to her house on Saturday and taught her the first lesson. She´s going to be baptized here in a couple of weeks. She came to church yesterday and loved it. It was really a gift, the member called us and told us she has a friend. I know that we basically don´t do anything as missionaries, we prepare people for baptism but the Lord and the members prepare people long before we usually talk to them. We have a lot of high hopes here. We plan on baptizing a lot of people here in July. Well today we had transfers again and my comp left because he´s been here for 7 months. My new comp is Elder Argueta from Honduras. He was my Zone leader in Zapadencia for 3 transfers. He´s an awesome Elder and we´re going to work really good together. This is his last transfer in the mission before he goes home but I don´t think he will have any trunky problems.

So in other news, its still cold and dark down here, you guys should be glad you have all that beautiful sun. I like the change but its just weird freezing in July. We celebrated a little bit the 4th of July down here. We had lunch with a family that lived in the States for 7 years so they made us some american hamburgers. It was amazing, I haven´t eaten anything american for a long time. Elder Boyce burned a tie from his old girlfriend that got married as a firework display. Wasn´t my idea. Oh also we had a little afterschock this week. We were teaching a lesson on the 3rd floor of some ghetto apartment buildings when the whole building starts swaying. It wasn´t that strong but its definitely a bit different when you´re higher up. But anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed your 4th of July! You guys better be readin them scriptures together and praying as a family. If you guys do send me something, basically the most important thing that I want is a lot more pictures of the family and those patriarchal blessings of you can. Por favor =). Well behave yourselves. Keep up the work at the temple Dad. And that doesn´t mean the rest of the family shouldnt be going regularly too. I love you guys, and miss you. Chao,

Elder Webb

1 comment:

  1. sweet that is so cool that he got to have american food. I bet it tasted like heaven :)
