Querido Familia,
Hey guys hows it going?! Thanks for the letter mother dearest. It always brightens my day to hear from you guys. So today I sent off a package to you guys. It has some nice stuff for everyone and I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what belongs to whom. I managed to smuggle some treats in there because last time they didn't let me send some but I got some hidden in there. Enjoy! You guys can't open it until Christmas if you happen to get it before.
Well so the only question I got this week is are there roaches in our house? No mom don't worry. I actually havent seen a roach here in Chile. Theres really not a bug problem. But there is a dog and cat problem. Luckily we haven't had anymore cat brake-ins, we've outsmarted them for once haha.
Well we're still working here. We actually had a pretty good week. We found a family of 4 that could easily start progressing. And we started teaching the rest of a part member family and they committed to being baptized already. They are amazing. We had a great lesson yesterday. Its been different this transfer because my comp has been able to talk very well but now I've been giving him a lot more time to teach and he's doing well. He's a great Elder. A bit lazy by nature I think because he's from the deep south but ya know, the mission will change that. We're having a lot of cool experiences. For example, the other day we ran out plans because our plan A, B, C, and D failed and so we contemplated for a minute trying to see if something comes to our mind by the Spirit. We decided to go visit a random future intestigator, some contact we had done like a week ago. We went over to her house and knocked and waited for about 2 mins. She never came out but as we were waiting, some guy comes walking by on his way to work. He stopped and said if he could ask a question. He asked us how he could come to our church. So we said well, you just need to walk. Then he told us to come by and visit him because he's really interested. We have a lesson with him tonight and so pray that that goes well. His name is Rodrigo.
Well I'm learning heaps and heaps everyday. Thanks for the opportunity to serve here in Chile. I know its been a sacrifice for the family but I can see all the blessings here and I'm sure you guys can too. I love my Savior Jesus Christ and for the perfect example he gave us. Que podamos recordar su vida en este tiempo tan importante. Jesucristo dio todo para que PODAMOS ganar todo. Fíjense en ese ejemplo. Les AMO. I love you guys! Chao,
Elder Webb
ps fotos. The National flag of Chile. The US gave this as a present to Chile for their Bicentennial this year. It weighs over 400 pounds
Other random views from the top of Cerro Santa Lucia.
Crazy how things can work out sometimes! The best thing is that he recognizes it :) Glad to hear he is doing so well!