Querido familia,
¿Cómo están todos? I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving. Down here it was just like any other day but we had a missionary turkey bowl in the morning. We played some american football and that was way fun. I should get some pictures from that before next week I think. Yeah so our apartment is pretty ghetto. Its an adventure everyday but it is pretty difficult to try and get everything done on time since there are 4 of us. But we manage. This week was a little nuts. We dropped a couple of investigators because they werent progressing at all but we´ve found some really good ones that are showing some promise. We're going to able to baptize some here in December. We had a pretty cool experience. Yesterday we went to go visit a reference that was supposedly really good. We got to her house(or we thought it was her house) and knocked the door. It was actually her neighbor. We couldn´t go in and teach her because she was alone but she seems like a golden investigator and we're gonna start teaching her this week. We also found some more and theres one called Paola that said shes going to read half the book and take notes before this wednesday and was showing some sincere interest. We've got our hopes up and we're being optimistic. This is the Lord's work he He works miracles. If He wants someone to get baptized for their salvation and the salvation of more of His children in the future, its gonna happen. The Lord wants us to baptize and we will never lose that vision. I'm learning about the power to change and how we as missionaries have the biggest responsibilty in change, first in ourselves and we have the responsibility to help others change. But we cant help any one convert if we ourselves are not truly converted. The power of testimony comes from personal conviction and its the only thing that can help others truly change.
"Alma 4:19 And this he did that he ahimself might go forth among his people, or among the people of Nephi, that he might bpreach the cword of God unto them, to dstir them up in eremembrance of their duty, and that he might pull down, by the word of God, all the pride and craftiness and all the contentions which were among his people, seeing no way that he might reclaim them save it were in bearing down in pure ftestimony against them."
I really like this scripture and has helped me change how I talk to people. The only way we can bear pure testimony is if we are truly converted to living that principle. I love this gospel and I know its true. I'm thankful for the opportunity to come to know my Savior Jesus Christ. "No logramos humildad al pensar menos de nosotros mismos; logramos humildad al pensar menos en nosotros mismos." Que estén bien. Les amo, chao
Elder Webb
What a wonderful lesson to learn :) Love his insights!