Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dearest family,

Its good to hear that Dad´s working in the temple. Thats pretty awesome. Sounds like things are going really good back at home. Mom, I don´t know how you always get stuck with the stupid bosses but it´ll be good for you haha. Clayton´s gonna get a car, man, he better get a good one and not waste his money. Oh and it sounds like this series between the Suns and the Lakers is gonna be a good one. Its time for Steve to win a ring. That garden looks pretty good, lots of tomatoes. People eat so many tomatoes here, I think I growing to like them a little bit.

Well we had a great week here in Recoleta. Yesterday we had two baptisms. One was the 18 year old Katterine that couldn´t get baptized last week because she had the chicken pox. And the other was 75 year old Cecila. That was an awesome sight. She also asked another member that is also about 70 years old to baptize her. It was like slow motion when he baptized her but overall an awesome experience. They both are going to be amazing members. Katterine is really active in all the church clases and is already talking about how it would be nice to serve a mission. And to see a old lady have enough courage to change and be baptized was a miracle for me. I´ve never been able to be part of a baptism of anybody over 18 yet. Just proves how its harder to change when you´ve lived longer but its never impossible. It was an amazing experience.

We´ve definitely had some crazy experiences contacting people. I´m not talking bad about Chile or anything but alcohol definitely has its problems here. We´ve had interesting experiences talking with the drunkards. I know one day we´ll be able to help someone give up drinking and change their life around. That would be unforgettable. Oh to answer your question about the dog, we basically just walked with the member down to the vet to put it to sleep then walked back with him, its just a great one liner to say we helped kill a dog for service this week. Everything else in Chile is going great. Its getting pretty darn cold and our little electric heaters keep breaking and so we basically just have to bundle up with three blankets at night haha. Also we got a lot of rain this friday and now the Andes mountains are covered in snow. I´ll try and take some pictures for you guys. Well keep me up to date on everyone in the family and try and send some pictures por favor :) I hope everyone is well and make sure you guys are praying as a family every night! ¡Les amo mucho!

Elder Webb


  1. A slow-motion baptism. I love it! Sounds like Aaron is having the time of his life. I've said it before but I'll say it again, he's a dang good kid.

  2. I agree I love the idea of a slow motion baptism. It makes me hopeful for my grandparents. My grandma is very spiritual but man my step grandfather can be a real stick in the mud. I think we need to convert him in order to get to her....
