Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Hey family,

Thanks for the letter dad. Things are going better here in Lo Campino 2. We've had some amazing experiences with a couple families. We taught a family about how they can have an eternal family and it was a really powerful lesson. We read the Proclamation to the world letter and talked a lot because they didn't believe that they could have an eternal family. It was a really powerful lesson and the spirit was really strong. Then we gave them a date for their baptism and their son will be baptised on August 29th and the father on September 12th. We´re also working hard with the members and we´ll should be finding a bunch of new investigators soon. I know that its been dificult here but through hard work this ward will bring forth a lot of fruits. Well I don't have very much time today because on the last monday, the missionaries that leave get to visit their converts. So I can't take much time. But this sunday is transfers. I'm gonna be staying here but I'll let you guys know who my new comp is and everything.

Oh and I remembered two more things that you guys could send me that would help me a lot. I need a new little bottle full of olive oil to give blessings because I lost mine after giving a blessing once. Sorry haha. And also, I had a bunch of little wallet size pictures of my mission picture that I took at brandts. I'm sure there's a bag full of about 10 or so in the house. If you guys could send me some more wallet size pictures or get a couple more because I would like to leave some with our converts. Well I'll be writing you guys next week and filling you in on what happens and some funny stories that I've had. Thanks for all the prayers. The mission is amazing and is changing me everyday. Thanks guys, love ya heaps. Chao,

Elder Webb

1 comment:

  1. I love that everytime I get on here there is a brand new background to go along with the letter of the week. :) But that is so amazing that he is having such a good time. I finally wrote him a letter for the pouch mail. Which is free. :) So that makes me happy :D
