Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dearest Family,

Things have been pretty crazy this week. Missionaries were here the last transfer they just had the whole ward. Now there are 4 missionaries in our ward. We actually had a baptism yesterday. Theres an investigator called Leydi that had been taught the lessons and was just waiting to get married to her boyfriend because they were living together. They got married last friday and a little over a week later they got baptized. It was amazing. Her husband got to baptize her and we got to be part of the final part of her conversion process. So my comp had a baptism his first week in Chile. Thats pretty sweet. My new comp is Elder Clanton from Thomasville, Georgia. Haha yep he has a thick southern accent. He's doing really good and speaks good spanish for a greenie. We've been working pretty hard this week trying to find people to teach but the idea is first get to know the members. But after this week we had some success and we have some people we're teaching now that have a baptism date so we're pretty grateful for the blessings the Lord keeps on pouring out on us. From what I've heard everything is fine with Eduardo. That was a miracle that he got baptized and now their whole family are members and they're working on getting to the temple.

Well our address is 1010 Las Encinas, Lo Prado, Santiago, Chile. I don't know if that'll show up on google earth but try it out. I forgot to take pictures of the house but I'll send you some next week. Its pretty small and we're living with the zone leaders so its pretty cramped but we have better experiences with 4. Its like a little room built on top of a bottle warehouse place. We have to walk through some dark black tunnel that we call The Bat Cave just to get there. Its a great experience.

Oh a little more on my comp, he's 19 and lives in a family of 5. He's the first one in his family to serve a mission so he's setting a good example for the rest. He likes football of course cuz he went to the University of Georgia. Everytime we see drunk people in the street he says he feels like he's on college again haha.

Well anyways thanks for the letters and support. We're fine down here. I'm lovin the mission and every experience that I have because I know it'll be over before I know it. Que siempre procuren a tener las cosas más importantes de esta vida :). ¡Les amo! Cuídense, chao,

Elder Webb

PS. Pictures are from the 2 baptisms... my old zone in Quilicura... cutting lawns with scissors(yep thats how its done in south america haha)

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