Dearest family,
Thanks for the letter mother dear! Sorry I didn't wish you a Happy Birthday last week. I did think about you though! I hope you had an amazing birthday. Don't feel old now. You have a long ways to go until you're old haha. I think I'm gonna send you guys a package here soon. It'll probably get there around mother's day but I have some cool stuff I'm gonna send you guys. I've never heard of an e-reader... so basicaly you're looking at a screen reading the whole time? Thats pretty cool! Hey question, did you ever get to see of that necklace and earings of lapiz lazuli look good. The blue stone jewlery I sent you? Oh and thanks for the pictures of little Clay and Brandi. Thats very special. I can't believe that you guys are going to be empty nesters next week. Enjoy it while it lasts.
So this week was actually an awesome week. Some exciting things happened. First of all a pretty hilarious story. So we stopped by the church for a little bit to say hi to the Bishop and our investigator that went to mutual and he said... I have some bad news...(we had dropped off our clothes to get washed earlier that week). "Our stupid dog ate your clothes" He was only talking to my companion and not me... thank goodness. We both started laughing pretty hard. So my comp is a bit short on clothes this week haha. Funny stories from the mission. But we've had some really neat experiences. Well one investigator was supposed to get baptized this weekend but he's had problems getting off work to go to church and so he has to wait a little more. But we had our stake conference and we were able to bring two families there that are investigating the church. It was really great. We have a lot of progressing investigators. Looks like they're all gonna get baptized on March 17th. Next Monday we have changes so I'm hoping I'm still here to see them. We'll see, but I know that they're in the Lord's hands and He always keeps His part of the promise. We found some new investigators by just offering service in the doorstep. They let us in and we helped them a lot and taught a quick lesson about forgiveness which is what they needed from what they told us. And we're gonna visit them again on tuesday. So the Lord puts us where we need to be, and "the people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." I love that phrase and I think I'm learning more and more about how to show my love towards other people everyday.
Well I know that Jesus Christ lives and loves each one of us. We can be clean if we just turn unto Him, with a singleness of heart and sight. Thanks for the positive letters also. I hope you guys enjoy all the blessings that you guys receive on a daily basis. I love you guys a ton. Les amo y espero que experimenten la paz que viene por medio de tener la mira puesta en la gloria de Dios. Cuíedense y chao,
Elder Webb
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