Dearest family,
Hey thanks for the letter Dad. I'm glad that everything is ok with you guys and your health. Wow Khodie got his mission call already. Wow thats pretty awesome that he's going to the deep south. He will have a lot of success there with some hard work. Tell him congrats for me. Tell jarem that I want to hear some stories from his work and see some pictures if he can send me some :)
Well let me update you about whats going on in the mission. So we had changes today. Elder Clanton got transfered to another zone close by and is gonna be with a latin missionary which will be great for him. It was a good experience training a missionary. I probably learned more than he did. He's a great missionary and a good guy. He will progress a lot. So I'm still here in Lo Prado 2 and my new comp is Elder Saenz from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He arrived in our mission about 3 months after I did. I'm still district leader here also. Elder Saenz is really great. We're gonna work really hard this transfer and have a lot of success I know. I'll send you some pictures. Also Elder Coats, my companion from the beginning of the mission who's the red head is now in the same house as me, he's companions with Elder Petersen. It'll be great to be with Elder Coats again also.
As for this week... it was really good. We found a lot of new investigators. We found 2 Columbians that are really receptive. Ronald had his baptism interview and decided that he wanted to wait another week to be baptized. He's very sincere because he still came to church yesterday. His mom came with him like usually but his dad also showed up. That was a great step for him. His mom, Carmen, said that what she wants most right now is to get baptized. Now we just have to work on getting them baptized. We are preparing some people here for February, and we know that there are plenty of other people waiting for us to be baptized. We're gonna find them, through a lot of prayer.
So yesterday, for the first time in my whole mission, I was asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting. It was really awesome actually, I enjoyed it a lot. I gave a talk about how we can gain the confidence of God. What I realized is that God has a lot in store for us, a lot of opportunities. We need to deserve them. In my talk I mentioned that I was a lifeguard and everyone seemed to pay more attention. I related how we need to gain the confidence of our boss so that he can give us better positions and jobs. How as a lifeguard I had more opportunites my second year because my boss saw what I did the first year and gave me a better job. I know that we need to gain the confidence of God. How can he trust us with so many important things especially the souls of His children if we cant be trusted. God requires faithfulness, consistency, and obedience. If we show that than he will trust us with more. We don't need to aspire for anything just to have the trust of God, and know that if He wanted, he could call us to do anything. I know that its the best feeling knowing that the Lord trusts in you. I love this Gospel and I love you guys. No se olviden que Dios les confia mucho y les ha escogido para cumplir con una gran obra. Chao,
Elder Webb
ps, pictures of us in the cyber cafe here. I thought you would enjoy that. Also of our zone and leadership from San Pablo
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